Russian Navy

Restoration of Naval Cathedral: miracle returns

Photo: The Naval Cathedral in Kronshtadt. Wikipedia
Members of restoration council convened on March 24, 2011 in the cathedral and noted that the restoration process goes in full accordance with the schedule. Scaffolds have been already removed from the dome; the beautiful cathedral will appear again this spring presenting results of the colossal restoration work.

The cathedral's significance was highly evaluated. Public guardianship board of the Naval Cathedral in Kronshtadt includes such eminent figures as Patriarch Cyril, Russia's first lady Svetlana Medvedeva, Speaker of Parliament Boris Gryzlov, Minister of Culture Alexander Avdeyev, Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdiukov, St. Petersburg Governor Valentina Matvienko, Presidential Envoy in Northwest Federal District Ilya Klebanov, Navy Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Vysotsky, president of JSC Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, and others.

Among those who made personal charitable endowments to the cathedral's restoration fund were Patriarch Cyril, Navy Commander-in-Chief, and over 16 000 naval servicemen of Russia's four fleets and Caspian Flotilla. To learn more about the restoration process, the fund's history, patrons, and make personal contribution to the temple's revival, visit

Legendary Naval Cathedral is a magnificent sublime building, historical and cultural dominator of the town of Kronshtadt, a memorial to sacred heroism of Russian seamen fallen for the Motherland. Until recently, the cathedral used to have a deplorable view. Although Naval Cathedral's restoration will last till 2013, now it is felt even through the lightproof reinforced coating that this architectural miracle strives for returning to the town and the Navy.

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