Russian Navy

Presence of Russian fleet in Ukraine is not a political issue – Yanukovich

Photo: Viktor Yanukovich.
Presence of Russia's Black Sea Fleet in Ukrainian territory should not be turned into political issue, said Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich visiting WW2 veterans in medical and social center.

Yanukovich said he had signed the agreement prolonging deployment of Russian fleet in Ukraine till 2042 consciously, with the view to improve socioeconomic situation in the country.

The president reminded that according to interim agreement, Russia paid $98 mln per year, and the current agreement increases this payment up to $4 bln.

"When they paid us $98 mln per year, nobody was saying a word; when Ukraine began to receive $4 bln, people opened their mouths", said Yanukovich.

Recall that Russian and Ukrainian presidents Dmitry Medvedev and Viktor Yanukovich signed the bilateral agreement on Apr 21, 2010 prolonging deployment term of Russia's Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine on 25 years – till 2042.

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