Russian Navy

Active phase of BALTOPS-2011 held in the Baltic

Text: Baltic Fleet Information Support Group
Photo:, Baltic Fleet Information Support Group
Second phase of the BALTOPS-2011 joint naval exercise is conducted in the Baltic Sea near Bornholm Island; Russian Navy is represented by Baltic Fleet (BF) large landing ship Minsk under command of Capt 2 rank Alexander Morgen.

The active phase is to continue until June 16 in four regions of the Baltic Sea; participants practice interaction within task units, conduct search-and-rescue and ship inspection activities, perform elements of anti-aircraft and anti-mine warfare, carry out gun firings and underway replenishment drills. In addition, anti-piracy and anti-terror drills as well as repelling attacks of fast-speed small-size vessels are held during the second stage.

All ships are divided into task units; each of them performs specific tasks throughout the whole sea phase of the exercise. BF large landing ship Minsk operates within a task unit along with American guided missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea; Danish, Polish and French frigates; and Dutch supply ship. This task unit will practice joint maneuvering, gun firings at air and sea targets, assistance to distressed ships and rescuing of people overboard, participation in ship inspection and patrol operations.

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