Russian Navy

Russian Mistrals to be armed with Aligators

Text: Lenta.Ru
Photo: Ka-52. Lenta.Ru
Russian Mistral class assault landing ships will be armed with Ka-52 Alligator multipurpose helicopters, reports RIA Novosti referring to statement of Rosoboronexport director Anatoly Isaikin made on June 20 at the Le Bourget air show.

According to Interfax, Isaikin said Russia would get the first Mistral ship in 2014, and the second one – in 2015, i.e. 48 months after the contract enters into force. The delivery contract for two Mistral class helicopter carriers was signed on June 17, 2011 at the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum.

A contract providing construction of two Mistrals at Russian shipyards will be tied separately, reports RIA Novosti referring to Isaikin. According to him, before signing that contract 'all internal problems' should be settled.

Isaikin added that in accordance with the already signed contract, Russia would receive all technologies necessary to build such ships at domestic shipyards; in particular, tactical information system SENIT-9.

Final value of the contract for two French Mistrals is EUR 1.2 bln. Out of this sum, EUR 980 mln would be spent for the ships' construction. The rest funds are for crew training, adaptation of technical documents, and technology license.

Supposedly, Mistral class helicopter carriers will join Pacific Fleet and be stationed in Vladivostok. It is planned to use the ships for security of Russia's Far East, particularly, the Kuril Islands.

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