Russian Navy

Northern Fleet Officer Titled Hero of Russia

Text: Western Military District Press Service
Photo: Western Military District Press Service
Northern Fleet (NF) submarine commanding officer Capt 1 rank Alexei Dmitrov was awarded title Hero of the Russian Federation.

Capt 1 rank Alexei Dmitrov is one of few submariners appointed nuclear-powered submarine's commanding officer at the age of 32. Since his appointment in 2005, he has carried out 8 long-range cruises including those in iceberg-risky regions. In 2006 and 2009, submarines commanded by Capt 1 rank Dmitrov ranked first in Russian Navy. In 2009, the crew led by Dmitrov won three Navy Commander's prizes in combat training competitions among submarines.

Capt 1 rank Dmitrov was awarded medals "For Military Merits", "For Service to Motherland" 2-nd grade, and other decorations.

He became 30-th Hero of Russia at Northern Fleet and 14-th submariner officer deserved that high title.

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