Russian Navy

Poll Results: Russian Warships Must Have National Furniture and Latrines

There is no need to import British furniture and latrines for Russian warships, since they can be produced in Russia, said majority of respondents attended the poll of Central Navy Portal.

That was opinion of 66.61% pollees; 17.86% are sure that import of furniture from the UK is a ground for corruption in Russia.

Another group of respondents (12.98%) adhere to adverse opinion including 9.47% referred to quality of foreign furniture and plumbing systems, 2.87% said Russian companies were incapable to produce shipboard furniture, 0.7% considered such procurement a result of globalization.

Meanwhile, 2.48% of pollees answered it would be better to import furniture and latrines directly from China.

The poll conducted by Central Navy Portal since Nov 29, 2011 till March 2, 2012 was attended by 1.288 Internet users.

As was reported by the portal in Nov 2011, defense minister Anatoly Serdiukov sanctioned proposal of Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief ADM Vladimir Vysotsky to equip prospective warships with furniture and latrines produced by British company Strong Box Marine Furniture LTD.

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