Russian Navy

Caspian Flotilla Holds The Best Ship Contest

Text: Southern Military District Press Service
Photo: Southern Military District Press Service
The Best Ship Contest started at Caspian Flotilla (CF) under direction of CF Chief of Staff RADM Vitaly Mikhailov on March 1. According to the contest's conditions, at the first stage crews will demonstrate their skills and team-play during onboard drills.

Estimation of the crew actions depends on issues, i.e. preparation of a ship for combat and cruise; detection, locking, and destroying of air target; and antisubmarine/counter-sabotage activities.

Personnel of search-and-rescue parties will compete in damage control operations when extinguishing fire, prevention of water entry, avoidance of incidents with armament and onboard equipment.

At the second stage of the contest, ship commanding officers will compete in interior order, conditions for crew's daily activities, and health promotion procedures.

As of March 5, the flotilla's crews have conducted five drills. Upon results of the contest, best crews will be awarded challenge cup and certificates of merit; sailors distinguished themselves will be promoted to higher ranks. In 2011, the crew of corvette Astrakhan won the contest.

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