Russian Navy

Baltic Fleet Delegation Returned from Denmark

Text: Western Military District Press Service
Baltic Fleet (BF) delegation headed by the chief of BF Combat Training Dept Capt 1 rank Sergei Volkov returned from Denmark. Officers took part in the DANEX-2012 exercise planning conference.

Representatives of participating countries spent several days in Jonstrup, Denmark discussing organization of the exercise and its main episodes.

The DANEX-2012 joint naval exercise will be held in Sept 1-12 in the Baltic Sea under direction of Danish Navy command. It will be attended by naval assets of 20 countries (Denmark, Germany, Norway, Finland, the US, Canada, etc).

Russian Navy will be represented by a Baltic Fleet ship and a search-and-rescue helicopter.

Totally, about 4,000 men, up to 40 ships, over 10 aircraft, coast-based command/observation/supply authorities of participating countries are to be involved. Ten commercial vessels will also participate in the exercise.

Main objective of the exercise is practicing combat activities of multinational naval task force during local conflict settlement and peacekeeping operation.

Expectedly, the DANEX-2012 exercise will help to achieve required mutual understanding and practice international military cooperation at sea.

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