Russian Navy

Igor Kurdin and Alexander Pokrovsky: Military Political Party in Russia

Photo: Alexander Pokrovsky and Igor Kurdin.
Chairman of St. Petersburg Submariners' Club Igor Kurdin and marine novelist Alexander Pokrovsky commented possible foundation of a political party protecting interests of military men.

"I'd be careful to establish a paramilitary organization", Igor Kurdin told Rossiya TV Channel on Apr 7, Remembrance Day of Komsomolets Submariners. "Military servicemen are highly-organized people and, having founded a party, they would soon arrive at an idea to seize power and change it. That always ends up with blood", he added.

On the contrary, novelist Alexander Pokrovsky came out for establishment of a military political party. According to the writer, "officers have been always an oppressed category, and blame was always put on them. It's time to protect officers".

Pokrovsky suggests establishing a submariners' party: "A party of retired submariners, because active servicemen cannot support any political movement. Army stays out of politics".

Recall that president Medvedev on Apr 3 endorsed a law simplifying registration of political parties. According to new rules, minimal number of party adherents needed for official registration reduces from 40,000 to 500 persons.

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