Russian Navy

Baltic Fleet Doctors Saved Family

Text: Western Military District Press Service
Ambulance car delivered a family of Kaliningrad residents to Baltic Fleet (BF) Hospital; they were a woman and three kids at the age of 2-12 years old. The diagnosis was acute intoxication by utility gas. Medical institutions of Kaliningrad failed to provide assistance due to lack of appropriate equipment. As was agreed upon with BF command, the sufferers were treated by the fleet's hospital.

Thanks to rapid reaction of BF command and doctors, the family was saved.

According to the hospital's hyperbaric oxygenation department Gennady Beloborodov, hemoglobulin is blocked when gas poisoning, and hypoxia starts. The complexity of the treatment lied in the fact that two kids (twins) were only one year and ten months old. Normally, a patient sits and breathes through oxygen mask in the large decompression chamber, but kids were afraid so doctors had to put them with their mom in a small chamber.

Presently, the family is treated by municipal hospital of Kaliningrad, nothing threats to their lives.

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