Russian Navy

Rumor Contradiction: SSGN Severodvinsk Did Not Fail Tests

Photo: Press service of JSC Sevmash
Being interviewed by ITAR-TASS, an official representative of United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) refuted reports of some media agencies about failed trials of nuclear submarine Severodvinsk, reports Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

"Yasen-class submarine Severodvinsk is effectively undergoing shipyard's sea trials in the White Sea", said the interviewee.

Vice Admiral Anatoly Shlemov, chief of State Defense Order Department at USC, pointed out in his turn that SSGN Severodvinsk was preparing for the new round of sea trials.

Shlemov also contradicted the rumors about problems in the sub's nuclear powerplant. As for him, tests proved that the nuclear reactor meets required specifications in full.

SSGN Severodvinsk is supposed to join Russian Navy this year. Totally, somewhat seven or eight Project 885 submarines are to be commissioned by 2021.

Fourth-generation nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine SSGN Severodvinsk (Project 885 Yasen) was developed by the Malakhit Design Bureau (St. Petersburg) and, as experts say, has no analogs worldwide. She carries powerful missile weapons including supersonic cruise missiles Caliber and Onyx launched by 8 vertical tubes, and newest Fizik-type electric torpedoes.

Besides, the sub is equipped with state-of-the-art communication and navigation systems, as well as crucially new nuclear powerplant. All those innovations are to make Severodvinsk the most silent submarine in Russian Navy.

SSGN Severodvinsk was launched in June 2011.

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