Russian Navy

Pacific Fleet Seals Jump into Sea from Helicopter

Text: Eastern Military District Press Service
Photo: Eastern Military District Press Service
Pacific Fleet (PF) special-purpose servicemen practiced jumps into the sea from helicopters near the Russky Island. The PF seals jumped both with parachutes and without them from different altitudes.

Considering specific character of this unit, the servicemen were in wet suits, diving outfit, and special parachutes. Then the seals carried out accuracy parachute jumps on land. According to experts, qualification level of special-purpose unit allows to avoid injuries when parachute jumping regardless of weather conditions.

Jumping without parachutes was carried out from a helicopter flying at ultralow altitude. Seals wearing diving suits one by one jumped into the sea on the fly. Experts observed the drill from fast-speed motorboats.

Airplanes and helicopters are used for fast airlift of seals at considerable distances from home bases. Free air jumps into the water are normally performed from a helicopter flying at 5-6 meters; parachute jumps – from 800-6,000 meters.

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