Russian Navy

Russian subs to delineate Arctic shelf

The Navy actively participates in civil programs on Arctic shelf delineation, Deputy head of the Russian General Staff Oleg Burtsev confirmed yesterday.

Vice Admiral Burtsev says to RIA Novosti that Northern Fleet submarines definitely will play a key role in the Arctic delineation process, either with regard to the studies of the shelf, or with the protection of areas adjacent to Russian Arctic waters.

He confirms that the issue of the Navy vessels' participation in shelf delineation processes now is being elaborated on.

However, despite the new assignments, the Arctic remains important for the Navy first of all because of its military strategic importance, the military leader underlines.

- The relevance of sailing under the ice is dictated not as much by shelf exploration in times of climate change and melting ice and the exploration for hydrocarbons, as by the enhanced concealment, combat stability, the efficient execution of military operations and the use of [our] main weapon – the ballistic missiles, Mr. Burtsev said.


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