Russian Navy

Groin for Baltic Fleet ships in Novorossiysk to be ready by 2015

Photo: Novorossiysk

The construction of groin for prospective Baltic Fleet base in Novorossiysk will be completed by 2015, said General of the Army Nikolay Abroskin, director of Spetsstroy Rossii.

The groin in Tsemes Bay has been under construction for two years now, by present time 160 m of its most abyssal part at a depth of 50 m has been erected. The construction of base coastal infrastructure is going to be finished by 2018, Abroskin added.

The groin in such depth have no parallel in the world, as Major General Mikhail Tashlyk, the Chief of Spetsstroy Rossii Branch in Southern Federal District previously said.

Novorossiysk Bay has protective installations, but lashing at certain berths is dangerous in December-January because of sudden wind named "bora" which causes bulkheads icing and intense waves.

Under the Federal Target Program "The creation of Baltic Fleet basing system in the RF in 2005-2020", on the territory of Novorossiysk Naval Base it is also planned to build a shipyard, mooring berths, dry docks and ship repair piers, pipelining, construction of railway and power lines.

Novorossiysk Naval Base is a territorial operational and tactical Navy formation which tasks are support of the North Caucasus District forces at coastal direction, protection of RF state boundary, security of Navy deployment and military sea transportations. Area of responsibility of NNB stretches from Ukrainian border at the Sea of Azov to Georgian border at the Black Sea. NNB comprises antisub ships, mine countermeasures ships, search and rescue ships, hydrographic ships, administrative and ship repair units, coastal artillery and missile forces, Marine units, engineer organizations.


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