Russian Navy

Baltiysky Zavod shipyard is provided with state loan guarantee on 1,5 bln rub

OJSC Baltiysky Zavod shipyard is provided with state loan guarantee on 1,5 bln rub, said Andrei Fomichev Director General of OJSC Baltiysky Zavod and OJSC Severnaya Verf shipyards.

According to his words, OJSC Baltiysky Zavod and OJSC Severnaya Verf shipyards were put in the list of governmentally supported companies. "Baltiysky Zavod shipyard has already obtained the state support. The factory is provided with state loan guarantee on about 1,5 bln rub, VAT deferment on 300 mln rub, and also compensation for interests on credits", ?. Fomichev said.

He also remarked that "since Severnaya Verf is in better condition, we expect acknowledgement of compensation for interests on credits".

As ?. Fomichev said, Baltiysky Zavod and Severnaya Verf await orders from Gazprom to construct liquefied gas tankers. "There is a critical decision on costruction of gas tankers in Russia. The companies-members of Associated Industrial Corporation (AIC) are ready to those orders. Hopefully, Gazprom will make orders soon", he said.

Associated Industrial Corporation comprises Severnaya Verf shipyard, Baltiysky Zavod shipyard, and Aisberg Design Bureau.


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