Russian Navy

Baltic Fleet held a medically-oriented drill

Text: RIA Novosti
Photo: BF flagship destroyer Nastoychivy.
Baltic Fleet (BF) arranged demonstrative exercise of medical facilities at Khmelevka Range; the drill was held for participants of 1st ICMM European Congress on Military Medicine took place in Kaliningrad, reported RIA Novosti referring to a BF official.

"At Khmelevka Range we conducted a demonstration of pre-hospital medical activities within the framework of tactical exercise. Medical service along with marine units and BF naval aviation demonstrated to the congress participants the organization of medical aid and evacuation of "injured" personnel", said the BF officer.

According to him, the fire was simulated by artillery simulators, thunder flashes and smoke agents. Medical staff of assault company, evacuation unit, and mobile medical facilities was involved. So were ambulance helicopter, light armored tractor, and field ambulance vehicles.

The BF representative explained that the drill was arranged for participants of 1st ICMM European Congress on Military Medicine.

"In particular, among those who took part in the congress were representatives of UN medical service, NATO Medical Command, top-ranking medical staff of Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, Kazakhstan, China, Netherlands, Serbia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, France, Germany, and Switzerland; totally, over 300 persons from 15 countries", pointed out the interviewee.

During the congress such issues were discussed as medical support of troops in military conflicts and peacekeeping operations in Europe and beyond; organization of medical services in day-to-day activities, while technogenic accidents and natural disasters; and international cooperation among military medical services.

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