Russian Navy

Northern Fleet (NF) missile cruiser Petr Veliky to pay official call at Mormugao (India) on Aug 6

Text: Russian Defense Ministry
Photo: Petr Veliky.
The program of stay includes visits of the cruiser Petr Veliky by Russian Consul General in Mumbai, Russian military attaché in India, Indian naval officers; official visit of cruise commander and the cruiser's commanding officer to Goa Naval Area commander and Indian naval aviation commander.

The visit plan also provides sightseeing tour around the city of Mormugao for the crew of Petr Veliky and sports events (volleyball game and tug-of-war).

On Aug 11 the cruiser will take part in Russian-Indian naval exercise PASSEX jointly with an Indian warship. During the exercise the ships will conduct air defense drills, artillery firings, cooperative maneuvering, transshipment, and underway replenishment.

The exercise will be a closing stage of official call of heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser Petr Veliky at Indian port Mormugao; after that, the ship will proceed with training tasks according to the cruise plan.

As for Navy Command, call of the NF cruiser at Indian port Mormugao will become another practical step towards strengthening of mutual understanding and confidence between navies of the two countries.

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