Russian Navy

SSN Kursk: no evidence of collision with US sub

Photo: Wrecks of SSN Kursk.
A press conference devoted to submarine Kursk perished 10 years ago was held on Aug 9 in press center of news agency Interfax Northwest.

Igor Baranov, general designer of Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering, Igor Vilnit, chief engineer of the Rubin design bureau, Igor Spassky, salvage operations manager, and Igor Kurdin, the head of St. Petersburg Submariners' Club met with journalists. The participants tried to answer those numerous questions which constitute many "blind spots" in the story of Kursk.

The key subject of discussion was the reason of explosion on board the sub. "That is really a dramatic and sensitive issue which needs to be explained", pointed out Igor Kurdin. "Personally, I adhere to the version of spontaneous torpedo blowup. The point of view that Kursk collided with an American submarine is baseless. There is no realistic evidence of such collision. Moreover, if that happened, US sub would take the ground as well". "Most probably, the reason was torpedo decompression which caused organic reaction and explosion", added Igor Spassky. "Unfortunately, we have to recognize that the reason of 80% submarine accidents is human factor".

During the press conference there was an announcement of memorial activities which will be held in St. Petersburg on Aug 12. Memorial service to lost submariners of Kursk will be conducted in Nikolo-Bogoyavlensky Cathedral since 12.00 pm till 12.30 pm. Military honors ritual and wreath-laying ceremony will be held at Kursk crew memorial since 01.00 pm till 02.30 pm at Serafimovskoye Cemetery.

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