Russian Navy

100th anniversary of Isai Yakovlevich Diner

Text:, Valery Valkov
Photo: Isai Yakovlevich Diner
September 20, 2010 was a 100th anniversary of Isai Yakovlevich Diner, eminent scientist and expert in mathematical support of operations analysis, teacher, Doctor of Engineering (1960), professor (1961), colonel (1953).
In 1935 I. Diner graduated from Leningrad State University. Since 1944 he was a teacher of gunnery in Naval Air Defense Military School. In 1957 he became senior teacher of rocket weapon firing and tactical use department of Naval Academy. In 1960 he started to teach operations analysis in Radioelectronics Department. In 1962 Diner was the first who lectured on operations analysis, having introduced this course in the training process of command department. In 1964 he was appointed senior teacher of force control department in Naval Academy. He retired in 1970. Diner is the author of over 100 scientific works, including various manuals and workbooks like "Operations analysis techniques", "Operations analysis" and etc. He was rewarded by the Order of the Red Star and numerous medals.

Introducing new discipline in the academy's training process, Professor Diner placed high emphasis on training of teaching staff. His trainees were: adjunct N. S. Volgin (1963), graduate of command department, then Doctor of Naval Science, professor; adjunct V.A. Yurovsky (1964), former senior researcher of Naval Arms Scientific Research Institute, then Candidate of Technical Science, docent; adjunct A.K. Stalbo (1966), former researcher of Navy 24th Scientific Research Institute, then Doctor of Engineering, professor. Placing high emphasis on practical implementation of operations analysis methods, I.Y. Diner co-authored with teachers N.S. Volgin and V.A. Yurovsky and published "Problem book on operations analysis methods" (1969) and "Problem solving on operations analysis methods" (1970).

To make close relationship among scientific institutes of Soviet Academy of Science, Ministry of Defense, and Soviet Navy, I.Y. Diner initiated establishment of permanent all-Union seminar on operations analysis; Diner headed the seminar till his retirement. Such scientists as N.N. Vorobiov, G.S. Pospelov, N.N. Moiseyev, A.K. Stalbo etc made scientific reports at the seminar. Most topical issues of operations analysis and its practical implementation in headquarters' work and automated control systems were discussed during the seminar sessions.

Created by Diner scientific school of mathematical techniques in the Navy contributed much to implementation of automated control systems in fleet practice. I.Y. Diner along with professors A.A. Sveshnikov, M.P. Ganin, N.A. Korolev, and F.A. Matveichuk created scientific theory of firing and combat use of cruise missiles. After retirement, I.Y. Diner had worked in the Leningrad State Polytechnic University for a long time. His works have been and are used in training process and scientific researches of numerous educational institutions like the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, the St. Petersburg University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich etc. At present, 4th edition of workbook co-written by I.Y. Diner "Probability theory of mathematical statistics and random function theory" is broadly used.

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