Russian Navy

"Chkalovsk Shipyard"

International Maritime Defence Show

Chkalovsk Shipyard JSC was founded in 1883.

It was basic enterprise in Ministry of Inland Water Transport's composition and worked much on building, repairing and modernization of technical fleet. The Shipyard was sole enterprise in our country, which was able to produce full complex of changeable-share parts for belt mechanisms of hydraulic engineering facilities.

Chkalovsk Shipyard's fundamental productions are ships of technical fleet: big heavy dredgers and dredging pumps, selfpropelled and non-self-propelled dirt boats, pushers and dump scows as well as parts groups of ships, sluices, floating scoop dredgers and dredging pumps.

This kind of ships realizes dredging operations, transportation of heavy and cohesive soils.

The enterprise has sufficient capacities, experience and potential for expansion of nomenclature technical fleet's shipbuilding.

Number of shows: 5670
Modify date: 12/21/2007 19:27:31
Field:  Naval shipbuilding & architecture
Fax:  +7 (83160) 4-23-38
Form of ownership:  joint-stock company
IMDS-07 participant:  yes
Phone:  +7 (83160) 4-23-38
Physical address:  17, Mira Str., Chkalovsk, Reg. Nizhniy Novgorod, 606541, Russia

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