The DNPP JSC designs and mass-produces medium-range
SAMs of BUK-M1-2 land-based AD systems and Shtil-1 shipborne
AD system; automatic launching and fight control devices
of the missiles.
The enterprise has been issued a quality certificate proving
its products fully satisfy the ISO 9001-2001 requirements. The
company, among other things offers its customers after-guarantee
support of the missiles. The company renders technical
assistance in overhauling the assets it produces. Other aspects
of the enterprise's activities are spare part deliveries,
repair documents and overhauling facilities supplies guaranteed.
General director - Gennady Ezhov.
Chief designer - Vasily Ektov.
Number of shows: 8303
Modify date: 12/24/2007 21:12:43
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems
+7 (495) 408-44-22, 579-88-34
Form of ownership:
joint-stock company
IMDS-07 participant:
+7 (495) 408-34-22, 408-42-88
Physical address:
1 Sobin Sq., Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141700, Russia