Russian Navy

"Factory "KRIZO"

International Maritime Defence Show

Open joint-stock company «Factory «KRIZO» is one of the most well-known instrument engineering enterprises presented in shipbuilding of Leningrad region. The factory specializes in producing of high-technology units for ship radio-electronic devices: automated fire protection and alarm systems, controllers for radio sets, pulse controls of frequency and power for diesel generators, gas-turbine and steam power generators, electromagnetic field compensation systems, ship power sources. State-of-the-art production base and a wide range of developed technologies including pressurized casting, mechanical tooling, assembly and testing of end production permit the enterprise to perform complicated orders for various industry branches. The enterprise has a certificate of product quality management system under the standards ISO 9001-2001.

Number of shows: 4219
Modify date: 12/26/2007 19:31:03
Field:  Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
Fax:  +7 (81371) 9-38-87
Form of ownership:  public corporation
IMDS-07 participant:  yes
Phone:  +7 (81371) 9-38-87
Physical address:  43, Geleznodorognaya III., Gatchina, Leningrad Region, 188300, Russia

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