Russian Navy

"Nevskoe Design Bureau"

International Maritime Defence Show

The Bureau was founded in 1931 (since 1995 it was converted into Joint Stock Company). The Bureau is one of the oldest design bureaus of Naval shipbuilding in Russia specializing in designing of air carrying and landing ships as well as ship aviation facilities and training complexes for ship aviation.

About 300 ships are built according to NDB designs; among them «Sverdlov» class cruisers, air-carrying cruisers of «Moskva», «Kiev»and «Admiral Kuznetsov» classes , landing ships of "Voronezhsky Komsomoletz" and "Ivan Rogov" classes.

At present the main work of Bureau for export is designing of re-equipment project of «Admiral Gorshkov» Heavy Cruiser Carrier into an Aircraft Carrier for the Indian Navy as well as rendering assistance to the Republic of India in designing ship aviation facilities.

Number of shows: 5568
Modify date: 12/27/2007 19:27:39
Field:  Naval shipbuilding & architecture
Fax:  +7 (812) 352-07-40
Form of ownership:  joint-stock company
IMDS-07 participant:  yes
Phone:  +7 (812) 356-05-66
Physical address:  3, Galerny proezd, St. Petersburg, 199106, Russia

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