Russian Navy

"Distant Radiocommunication Scientific Research Institute"

International Maritime Defence Show

«Distant Radiocommunication Scientific Research Institute» Open Stock Company is one of the oldest radio and industrial enterprises in Russia operating in the field of development and exploitaion of complicated radiotechnical systems as well as design and manufacture of scientific and technical production.

The major activities are design and manufacture of highly potential and informative radar systems, radio-electronic apparatus, high-end technology applied for informing, telecommunicational and control systems that solve the problems of detection, maintenance, classification and return of data in regards to surface, aerodynamic and space objects.

All the production designed by the institute have a high grade of manufacture, with a capital development volume being minimized and have a modular contruction with maximum volume of uniform components being used.

Number of shows: 4639
Modify date: 12/27/2007 19:29:38
Field:  Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
Fax:  +7 (495) 162-73-28
Form of ownership:  public corporation
IMDS-07 participant:  no
Phone:  +7 (495) 162-03-87
Physical address:  12/11, 1-st Bukhvostova str., Moscow, 107258, Russia

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