Russian Navy

"Rational Enterprise Management"

International Maritime Defence Show

Rational Enterprise Management is information and analyses journal for executives and IT specialists of industrial enterprises, research and design organizations.

Primary content of the journal is focused on issues of creation of unified information space of the enterprise based on planning and recourse management automation, design and production and process automation.

The journal performs target selection of information having practical use for production executives responsible for application of new technology and modernization of IT structure of their enterprises. Alongside with information and advertising materials serious attention is paid to the publication of materials of analytic, review and predicting character, urgent and conceptual articles about innovation and technology.

Number of shows: 4432
Modify date: 12/27/2007 20:32:19
Field:  Mass-media
Fax:  +7 (812) 378-63-09
IMDS-07 participant:  no
Phone:  +7 (812) 378-63-09
Physical address:  6, Blagodatnaya str., St. Petersburg, 196128, Russia

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