Russian Navy

"Scientific research institute of rubber coverings and products"

International Maritime Defence Show

Scientific research institute of rubber coatings and products, JSC, was founded in 1958.


- Development of the rubber with given by complex characteristic and given conditions to usages;
- Fabrication the rubber mixtures,
- Development and fabrication rubber products with warranty given lifetime for others branches:

- Sealing (the rings, cuffs, cords, profiles);
- Amortizing;
- Diaphragms, membrane (from 0,2mm), muffs;
- Covering;

Quality management system of the enterprise is certified in accordance with ISO 9001 requirements.

Number of shows: 3591
Modify date: 12/27/2007 23:19:23
Field:  Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
Fax:  +7 (812) 252-44-14
Form of ownership:  joint-stock company
IMDS-07 participant:  yes
Phone:  +7 (812) 252-46-11, 252-38-95
Physical address:  22, Narvskiy pr., St. Petersburg, 190020, Russia

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