Russian Navy

"Saint-Petersburg submariners club"

International Maritime Defence Show

- Unification of efforts and co-ordination of activities of public organizations, parts of Russian Navy, industrial enterprises, educational institutes in the interests of progress and development The Sea Forces of Russia.

- Organizing relief actions for former submariners and members of their in questions of social defense, social adaptation and job placement.

- Perpetuation of Memory of the deceased mariners as well as Feats of mariners.

- The upbringing of military-patriotic feelings in young people.

- Publicistic and military-historcal activity.

- International collaboration.

- Realization of cultural measures.

Number of shows: 5840
Modify date: 12/29/2007 14:25:01
Field:  Other
Fax:  +7 (812) 323-07-78
IMDS-07 participant:  yes
Phone:  +7 (812) 323-24-67
Physical address:  46-A, 5 liniya V. O., St. Petersburg, 199004, Russia

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