Russian Navy

"Research Institute "Submicron"

International Maritime Defence Show

FSUE «Research Institute «Submicron», Moscow, Zelenograd. Was created in 1989, has licences of FSB, FSA, RACE.

Pilot production with a quality control department and representation of the customer. The enterprise is certificated in accordance with ISO 9001-2001.

Constructing, tests and production on the basis domestic ERIES:

- high-reliable, failure-safe unitized modules, systems and units of the computational equipment for the enterprises creating soft-hardware complexes;
- equipments preliminary and a roughing-out processing of signals of hydroultrasonic complexes;
- tools, bench and built-in software for units of the equipment;
The enterprise is fitted out with the modern hi-tech equipment, has affluent fund taken into account by the reference documents.

The enterprise has joint with ???? base faculty «Quality management».

Director Sirenko Vladimir Grigorjevich, Cand.Tech.Sci., the professor, the winner of the premium of Government of the Russian Federation.

Number of shows: 4653
Modify date: 12/29/2007 14:27:39
Field:  Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear / Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
Fax:  +7 (495) 531-27-53
Form of ownership:  federal state unitary enterprise
IMDS-07 participant:  yes
Phone:  +7 (495) 531-24-92
Physical address:  Pr. 4806. 4/2, Moscow, Zelenograd, 124460, Russia

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