Russian Navy

"Electrovypryamitel - Works of special transformers"

International Maritime Defence Show

Public JSC «Electrovypryamitel WST» is a unique enterprise that specializes in production of electrical engineering devices of state-of-art technology for Ministry of Defence and for Ship building industry. Production line covers 120 items of electric energy transformers with wide application( supply sources, charging, welding devices, UPS, frequency transformers).

Number of shows: 4203
Modify date: 01/15/2008 18:13:12
Field:  Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
Fax:  +7 (8342) 29-49-09
Form of ownership:  close corporation
IMDS-07 participant:  yes
Phone:  +7 (8342) 29-40-97
Physical address:  20, Alexandrovskoe shosse, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, 430006, Russia

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