Russian Navy

Only 44% Ukrainians support the prolongation of BSF deployment in Crimea

Only 44% Ukrainians support the prolongation of BSF deployment in Crimea 23.08.2010
Photo: BSF flagship Guard missile cruiser Moskva. Vasily Batanov/AFP/Getty Images
44% pollees of Razumkov Center voted for prolongation of Russia's Black Sea Fleet (BSF) in Ukrainian territory in Aug, 37% opposed. In Apr 2010 the results were 54% and 33% correspondingly. Thus, progressively smaller amount of Ukrainian citizens applauds agreement to extend Russian BSF deployment term for 25 years signed in Apr 2010 by Russian and Ukrainian presidents.

Was the agreement worth signing, when gas prices for Ukrainian people have been and will be increased? In Aug 45% respondents said "no", and less than one third pollees (30%) supported the agreement.

48% pollees agreed with an opinion that Ukrainian leaders willingly misinformed Ukrainian people while assuring that the agreements with Russia would help to stop gas price increase. 36% respondents think that the administration was not going to put up prices, but had to under constraint of "external circumstances".

31% pollees admit that there is "a certain probability" of Caucasus terrorist actions at Ukrainian territory because of deployed Russian fleet. 37% says those actions are "improbable". Only 11% respondents exclude the possibility of terrorist attacks.

The poll was held in Aug 10-15 among 2009 respondents at the age of 18 and over in all regions of Ukraine. Theoretical poll error is 2.3%.

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