Russian Navy

Corvette Makhachkala Kicks Off Sea Trials

Corvette Makhachkala Kicks Off Sea Trials 28.06.2012
Text: Southern Military District Press Service
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Buyan-class corvette Makhachkala on June 27 took the sea for the first time to test crew teamwork and main propulsion plant operation in the Baltic Sea.

Currently, the shipyard's experts are testing shipborne systems, engines and mechanisms; teaching the crew correct and trouble-free handling, technical maintenance, practical use of the ship's arms and systems.

Shipyard's trials of corvette Makhachkala are scheduled in July, and state acceptance ones – in August. The ship is expected to join Caspian Flotilla (CF) by the end of the current year.

Project 21630 corvette Makhachkala was developed by FSUE Zelenodolsk Design Bureau (Tatarstan). Batch of these ships is being built by JSC Almaz Shipbuilding Firm (St. Petersburg). Makhachkala is the third Buyan-class ship. The first one – corvette Astrakhan – was commissioned into Caspian Flotilla in 2006, the second – Volgodonsk – was handed over to Russian Navy late in 2011 and the ensign-hoisting ceremony will be held on June 29. At present, corvette Volgodonsk is being prepared for a transfer to Caspian Sea via inland waterways.

Buyan-class ships have unique propulsion system including two water jets which provide shallow draft on the move. Thanks to shallow draft and high maneuverability, the Buyan-class corvettes are capable to accomplish wide range of tasks in littoral zone of the Caspian Sea, in rivers and other 'narrow' water areas.

The ships are equipped with powerful gun arms and can effectively engage enemy ships and coastal fortifications to clear beachheads for landing parties. Owing to stealth technology, Buyan-class corvettes have reduced radar signature.

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