Russian Navy

New Defense Minister Visited Pacific Fleet Flagship

New Defense Minister Visited Pacific Fleet Flagship 22.11.2012
Text: Vzglyad
Photo: Eastern Military District Press Service
Visiting Pacific Fleet (PF) flagship missile cruiser Varyag in Vladivostok, Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu talked with commanding officer of PF task unit deployed in the Indian Ocean, reports a spokesman for Russian Navy.

"Being onboard the cruiser and using secure video channel, the minister listened to report of Rear Admiral Vladimir Vdovenko, commander of a PF task unit being stationed in the Indian Ocean and expecting joint Russian-Indian anti-piracy exercise to be held late in November", reports Interfax citing the Navy spokesman.

As for him, the unit calls at Indian port Mumbai on Nov 28. The PF task unit is under way from Vladivostok to the Horn of Africa in order to attend anti-piracy campaign along with Black Sea Fleet (BSF) ships.

A special salute salvo was given on board the PF flagship in honor of the defense minister's arrival.

Shoigu familiarized with the cruiser's main missile system Bazalt, gun mounts AK-130, AK-630, and air defense system Fort (naval version of S-300).

The minister was accompanied by the Navy Commander-in-Chief ADM Viktor Chirkov, Eastern Military District Commander ADM Konstantin Sidenko, and PF Commander RADM Sergei Avakiants.

When staying in Vladivostok, Sergei Shoigu visited Pacific Fleet 155-th Marine Brigade, held a meeting on reassignment of former military camps and lands to local authorities, inspected a naval hospital, and visited the Pacific Naval Institute.

On Nov 22, Shoigu met with vice premier Igor Shuvalov in Pacific Fleet HQ. The officials discussed transfer of 382 military camps to jurisdiction of Primorsky Krai.

Governor of Primorsky Krai Vladimir Miklushevsky said in his turn that "apart from military garrisons, the question is land plots belonging to defense ministry but not used for national security purposes". "I'm talking about over 100,000 hectares of land, including 6,000 hectares in Vladivostok", specified the governor.

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