Text by Eastern Military District Press Service
Photo by Eastern Military District Press Service
Inspecting military units of Pacific Fleet (PF) main base Vladivostok, Eastern Military District Commander ADM Konstantin Sidenko visited Guards missile cruiser Varyag.

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Eastern Military District Commander Visited Cruiser Varyag

Admiral Sidenko delivered a speech to PF staff officers and the cruiser's crew. He thanked the division commander and the Guards crew for effective actions and high professionalism displayed at the recent Russo-Chinese naval exercise Maritime Cooperation 2012 held in Apr 22-27 in the Yellow Sea.
Then a symbolic PF command-handover ceremony was held onboard Varyag; Rear Admiral Sergei Avakiants took over command over Pacific Fleet from its ex-commander Admiral Konstantin Sidenko. In his speech Avakiants assured that he would make every effort to keep the fleet combat-worthy remaining one of the most powerful in Russia.
Another solemn ceremony will take place in Vladivostok tomorrow. Eastern Military District Commander ADM Konstantin Sidenko will hand over new colors to two PF naval units.
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