Russian defense ministry holds precontractual talks on procurement of four Mistral-type helicopter carriers, reports RIA Novosti citing Anatoly Serdiukov, Russian Minister of Defense.
"We are currently at the stage of precontractual talks with three countries – Spain, Holland, and France. We're about to sign a contract on four such ships", said Serdiukov.
The first carrier is planned to be completely built abroad, other three – with participation of Russian shipbuilders, he said. "Meanwhile, the fourth ship must be constructed in Russia to the greatest extent possible", added Serdiukov.
According to the minister, there is a presidential decree committing defense ministry to go into the matters related to procurement of those ships.
"Presently, we're delving into this issue", said the defense minister.
In his opinion, the decision will be positive "unless there would be any changes, particularly in financing".
As for him, Russian defense ministry has distinct understanding that first ships would be commissioned into Northern and Pacific fleets.
"We understand clearly that now Pacific and Northern fleets are in need of such ships", said the minister.
Russian shipborne helicopters have tested landing on the deck of the French carrier
Mistral, reminded the minister.
Political decision of
Mistral ships has been already made, informed
RIA Novosti in April citing Mikhail Dmitriev, director of Federal Service for Military Technical Cooperation (FSMTC).
Total displacement of helicopter carrier
Mistral is 21,000 tons; length is 200 meters, beam is 32 meters; speed is 19 knots; operational range is 20,000 miles. The ship is capable to carry 6 helicopters on the deck; 4 landing boats or 2 air cushion vessels and up to 450 marines inside.