Russian Navy

Revival of Ukrainian submarine fleet will start with Zaporizhzhia - Yezhel

Revival of Ukrainian submarine fleet will start with Zaporizhzhia - Yezhel 22.11.2010
Text: ForPost
Photo: Mikhail Yezhel.
Revival of Ukrainian submarine fleet will start with reanimation of a former Soviet submarine renamed into Zaporizhzhia, reported Ukrainian defense minister Mikhail Yezhel.

"Submarine fleet begins with one sub. The rest things come next", said the minister in the interview to Interfax.

"I will personally check condition of submarine Zaporizhzhia in the nearest future. The sub's mooring trials is planned to be carried out in Dec, and then perspectives will be apparent. I think, next year the sub will take the sea and be ready to perform assigned tasks", promised Yezhel.

"One should remember that a submarine is essential for such important type of combat training as antisubmarine warfare. It is impossible to train sailors without a submarine in the navy", underlined the minister.

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