Russian Navy

Iran hopes Caspian Sea convention to be formulated till March 2012 – Russian foreign ministry

Iran hopes Caspian Sea convention to be formulated till March 2012 – Russian foreign ministry 19.01.2011
Text: Iran News
Photo: Mohammad Ahunzade. TREND
Iran hopes that convention of the Caspian Sea status would be developed till the end of March 2012, reported Russian foreign ministry summarizing consultations of Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Riabkov with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Ahunzade.

Mr. Ahunzade considers that Russian-Iranian treaties of 1921 and 1940 as well as observance of justice principle in any actions related to the Caspian Sea should serve models for all Caspian states. On the other hand, all decisions must be realized in consensus manner.

On Nov 18, 2010 at Baku summit presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Iran affirmed their intentions to develop a convention of the Caspian Sea's legal status which would help to recognize the sovereign rights of riparian countries to the Caspian Sea and its resources.

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