Russian Navy

Iran Commissioned New Cruise Missile

Iran Commissioned New Cruise Missile 30.09.2011
Text: Lenta.Ru
Photo: Qader.
Iranian Navy put new antiship cruise missile Qader into service, reports Defense News referring to Iranian defense minister General Ahmad Vahidi. As for him, the missile can be launched both by a special coastal-based launcher and by several types of warships operated by Iranian Navy. Qader missile is capable to hit coastal and sea surface targets.

According to The Jerusalem Post, Iranian defense ministry has approved batch production of Qader missiles. According to Vahidi, new cruise missile is capable to destroy targets at the range of up to 200 km, fly at low altitude, and carry out high-precision strikes. Another advantage of Qader missile is significant yield, added the minister.

First reports of Qader project completion appeared in Aug 2011. That was President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who was the first telling about Qader missile and new torpedo Valfajr capable to carry up to 220 kg of combat load. Made by Iranian defense industry, the torpedo can be used both in shallow waters and in high seas.

Iran has significantly developed in designing and production of new arms. In particular, the country makes land-to-sea antiship missiles Khalij-e-Fars and Tondar, a high-altitude long-endurance attack UAV, a five-generation fighter, a surface-to-air missile system analogous to Russian S-300, several types of ballistic missiles, and new aircraft-based missiles.

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