Russian Navy

USA Eases Restrictions for Women at War

USA Eases Restrictions for Women at War 10.02.2012
Text: Lenta.Ru
Pentagon softens limitations for women's participation in warlike activities. It was officially declared on Feb 9, reports Los Angeles Times.

In particular, women are allowed to serve closer to fronline as wireless operators, doctors, radar operators, and technicians. Up to now, they could occupy such positions only in military units unlikely participating in combat operations. Fourteen thousands of new vacancies will be opened for them (primarily, in US Army and US Marine Corps). The changes will be enacted in the coming summer.

However, women still will not be allowed to take direct part in combat actions. They cannot serve in US Special Operations Command either.

According to the publication, despite service restrictions and absence of frontline, a number of women died in Iraq and Afghanistan. In total, over 140 servicewomen died and more than 860 were wounded in those conflicts (Associated Press reports of over 150 women died).

Women make 14.5 per cent of 1.5-mln American active service personnel. According to American press, women face more problems in carving out a military career than men due to various service restrictions.

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