Russian Navy

France Military Export Grown to EUR 6.5 bln

France Military Export Grown to EUR 6.5 bln 28.02.2012
Text: Lenta.Ru
Photo: Mistral-class assault landing ship., Antoine Morcello
In 2011, France exported military products to the amount of EUR 6.5 bln, ranking fourth after the US, Great Britain, and Russia. According to Aviation Week referred to French defense procurement agency DGA, volume of France's military export has not changed much comparing to 2010 and still considerably yields to the sum of 2009 – EUR 8.2 bln.

Among the most significant contracts tied in 2011, DGA distinguished modernization of 51 Indian fighters Mirage-2000 (EUR 1.78 bln), construction of two Mistral-class assault landing ships for Russia (EUR 1.2), and delivery of combat vehicles to Saudi Arabia.

Summarizing results of 2011, the US tops the arms export rating with $34.8 bln. In the last year Russia beat its own record, having exported arms for $13.2 bln.

As is expected, in the nearest time France would tie a contract with India for 126 Rafale fighters produced by Dassault Aviation. The contract cost has not been reported so far, although experts say most likely it would exceed $10 bln.

Dassault's victory in the Indian tender MMRCA will become the first export contract for Rafale airplanes. Following India, defense ministry of Brazil also shows interest to the French aircraft. Brazilian Air Force has been holding a tender for 36 fighters since 2007. Rafale and cheaper Swedish JAS 39 Gripen were considered the most probable winners.

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