Russian Navy

Iran Put Afloat Two New Submarines

Iran Put Afloat Two New Submarines 29.11.2012
Text: Military Paritet
Iran launched two domestically-designed Ghadir-class submarines.

Taking part in the launching ceremony held in Badar-Abbas, Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said the country had achieved self-sufficiency in defense matters and was able to meet all military demands all alone, reports Press TV.

"Thanks to the Islamic Revolution, Iran has acquired the know-how to build submarines. No one believed that we would reach a point where we would build destroyers capable of carrying helicopters and missiles in the Sea of Oman and oceans", said Iranian Navy Commander.

Iran presented Ghadir-class submarine for the first time in 2007. The 120-ton submarine is capable to operate in shallow waters for a long time.

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