Russian Navy

US not to deploy ABM systems at the Black Sea – State

US not to deploy ABM systems at the Black Sea – State 17.02.2010
The U.S. is not going to deploy anti-missile shield at the Black Sea, said Ellen Tauscher, Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security in Monday's interview to foreign press.

According to her, Russia has been informed of phased adaptive approach to deployment of US anti-missile shield and implementation plans for its four phases which Obama told about in September 2009. "My Russian counterparts were informed that I was going to be in Romania and that the President [Obama] was going to offer Romania the opportunity to host phase 2 in 2015, i.e. establishment of basing site for SM-3 ground-based interceptor missiles", assured deputy director of US foreign policy department.

In this context, Washington does not intend to dispatch destroyers equipped with Aegis system to the Black Sea, she said. The program does not provide deployment of sea-based ABM systems at the Black Sea, underlined Mrs. Tauscher.

According to her, the U.S. intends to deploy 3 SM-3 batteries at Romanian territory; however, final decision has not been made so far. "We will discuss what interceptor deployment in Romania will consist of, but I think there will be three batteries, so 24 SM-3 missiles. This aspect is now open to negotiations", said the deputy Secretary of State.

"Lion's share" of expenses related to forthcoming deployment of US anti-missile shield in Europe will fall on the United States. But sharing of financial burden is also considered, said Mrs. Tauscher. In Washington's opinion, host country should defray expenses associated with preparation of AMD basing site, she explained.

Mrs. Tauscher failed to specify precise sum US government plans to appropriate for creation of ABM object in Romania; she only said that the sum has not been defined yet. The official also refused to comment possibility of granting Romania with US Visa Waiver privilege in exchange for agreeing to host shield elements. "There is no reward", said the American official.

Source: ITAR-TASS, photo: launch of SM-3 (

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