Russian Navy

Yanukovich requests parliament to approve Sea Breeze

Yanukovich requests parliament to approve Sea Breeze 18.05.2010
Photo: Viktor Yanukovich.
Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich offers Supreme Rada [parliament] to allow foreign military units into Ukraine to participate in multinational exercises in 2010.

That was said in draft law No.6378 registered in Supreme Rada on May 12.

In particular, the presidential bill "Decision of the President of Ukraine about access of foreign military units into Ukrainian territory in 2010 for participation in multinational military exercises" suggests that foreign troops be allowed in Ukraine to take part in the Ukrainian-Polish-Canadian-Lithuanian exercise Maple Arch 2010, the multinational exercise Barrier 2010 and the Light Avalanche 2010 exercise.

Besides, the bill proposes to hold the Ukrainian-Slovak exercise Slavs for Peace 2010, the Ukrainian-Romanian exercise and the Ukrainian-Belarusian exercise, the multinational Cossack Steppe 2010 exercise, the Ukrainian-American exercises Sea Breeze 2010 and Rapid Trident 2010.

We recall that on May 12 Odessa regional council asked the parliament not to allow foreign troops into Ukraine for the Sea Breeze 2010 exercise.

Formerly, the Crimean Parliament also addressed to president Yanukovich and the Supreme Rada to cancel conducting Sea Breeze 2010 exercise in Crimea.

The U.S. expects Sea Breeze 2010 exercise to be held in Ukraine on schedule.

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