Russian Navy

Cruiser Ukraina to be renamed into 1164

Cruiser Ukraina to be renamed into 1164 19.05.2010
Text: Novy Region
Photo: cruiser Ukraina.
Defense committee of Ukrainian parliament will decide whether or not to rename uncompleted cruiser Ukraina into 1164; the ship is subject to be sold to Russia, reported Novy Region citing MP Alexander Kuzmuk, ex-minister of defense.

"The president has repeatedly raised an Ukraina's question. That's a problematic issue. Being a prime minister two times, Viktor Yanukovich opened this question and initiated consultations. Now again we have an opportunity to settle this matter, since Russia has shown an interest. Cruiser Ukraina will be renamed today at the session of Security Committee. The ship will obtain the name of her project. The committee will also discuss conditions of the cruiser's completion. It remains to be seen what will happen next", said Kuzmuk.

"In my personal opinion, the ship should be commissioned into Russian Navy. But if Russia buys the cruiser it will be only Russia to decide what to do with the vessel", pointed out Ukrainian MP.

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