Russian Navy

Russian Navy News

News 1941 - 1960 of 3469
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Defense ministry has inspected Baltic Fleet
Defense ministry has inspected Baltic Fleet

Frigate Neustrashimy celebrated 18th anniversary of flag-hoisting
Frigate Neustrashimy celebrated 18th anniversary of flag-hoisting

60 percent of dismissed employees in Sevastopol are Black Sea Fleet staff
60 percent of dismissed employees in Sevastopol are Black Sea Fleet staff

Autumn draft has been summarized in Black Sea Fleet
Autumn draft has been summarized in Black Sea Fleet

Russian warship escorts a 9-vessel convoy in the Gulf of Aden
Russian warship escorts a 9-vessel convoy in the Gulf of Aden

Contract on Mistral ships for Russian Navy to be signed in a few months
Contract on Mistral ships for Russian Navy to be signed in a few months

Russia's secret torpedoes sold to Iran from Kirghizia?
Russia's secret torpedoes sold to Iran from Kirghizia?

Jan 25 is the Russian Maritime Navigators' Day
Jan 25 is the Russian Maritime Navigators' Day

Sechin: Russian Mistrals won't threaten other countries
Sechin: Russian Mistrals won't threaten other countries

Agreement on Mistral to be signed on Jan 25
Agreement on Mistral to be signed on Jan 25

Fire occurred on NF auxiliary vessel in Severodvinsk
Fire occurred on NF auxiliary vessel in Severodvinsk

Russia won't buy uncompleted cruiser from Ukraine
Russia won't buy uncompleted cruiser from Ukraine

Submarine Alrosa to attend SR exercise near Spain
Submarine Alrosa to attend SR exercise near Spain

Russian engineer troops turn 310
Russian engineer troops turn 310

Third Bastion missile system has been delivered to Black Sea Fleet
Third Bastion missile system has been delivered to Black Sea Fleet

Russia, Ukraine to determine lease payment procedures for Sevastopol naval base after 2017
Russia, Ukraine to determine lease payment procedures for Sevastopol naval base after 2017

Crew settles in corvette Soobrazitelny
Crew settles in corvette Soobrazitelny

Historical memorial at Russky Island is scrapped
Historical memorial at Russky Island is scrapped

Naval Officers' Club in Vladivostok can be handed over to the city
Naval Officers' Club in Vladivostok can be handed over to the city

Month of combat readiness is held in Baltic Fleet
Month of combat readiness is held in Baltic Fleet

News 1941 - 1960 of 3469
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