Russian Navy


International Maritime Defence Show

Since its foundation in 1991 Aquamarin Joint-stock company has grown to one of the leading Russian companies dealing with electronic warfare equipment development and production for the Navy. Aquamarin JSC specializes in sonar systems and control systems development for various applications.

Among our products are:

• Shipborne sonar systems for detection of divers, mines and attacking torpedoes. The sonar systems provide target coordinates designation to countermeasure weapons - antiterrorist grenade launcher, minekiller ROV, antitorpedo - thus ensuring total ship's security.
• Stationary underwater surveillance sonar systems for detection of ships, low-noise submarines and divers ensuring marine industrial structures and coastal security.
• Minehunting sonars for ROV and AUV.
• Torpedo countermeasure decoys for ships and submarines security.
• Hydroacoustic navigational equipment for underwater objects and ships positioning and bottom objects marking. The majority of the Russian Navy ships both under construction and modernized incorporates the equipment developed by Aquamarin JSC.

Number of shows: 7530
Modify date: 12/17/2007 22:00:48
Field:  Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
Fax:  +7 (812) 337-26-90
Form of ownership:  joint-stock company
IMDS-07 participant:  yes
Phone:  +7 (812) 337-26-90
Physical address:  29, Marshala Govorova str., Saint Petersburg, 198097, Russia

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