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International Maritime Defence Show
Open Joint Stock Company «Elecon-Plant» is the main Russian
plant on development and production of electrical connectors
and special umbilical devices.
In course of 65 years the main plant of the production association has worked out and put into production line more than 75 types of connectors, including 30 000 sizes with contact number varied from 1 to 102 that are employed in defense, aviation, space and rocket and common industrial equipment. The plant output the connectors of main series: 2???,2????,2???,??,??.???-??,???-??,???-23,???- ??-8.??-15.??? 46,47.???1,2 etc.
Company's system of quality control is certified under international standard ISO 9001, also the quality of product is to be guaranteed by certificate ? CBC.01.431.0057.04 of 16 September, 2004, issued by Central agency of system «Voenelectronsept » 22 of Defence Ministry of Russia.
Number of shows: 4448
Modify date: 12/24/2007 21:19:34
Field: Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear / Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
Email: marketing@zavod-elecon.ru
Fax: +7 (843) 519-57-34
Form of ownership: public corporation
IMDS-07 participant: yes
Phone: +7 (843) 519-58-01
Physical address: 58, Korolenko, Kazan, 420094, Russia
Website: www.zavod-elecon.ru
In course of 65 years the main plant of the production association has worked out and put into production line more than 75 types of connectors, including 30 000 sizes with contact number varied from 1 to 102 that are employed in defense, aviation, space and rocket and common industrial equipment. The plant output the connectors of main series: 2???,2????,2???,??,??.???-??,???-??,???-23,???- ??-8.??-15.??? 46,47.???1,2 etc.
Company's system of quality control is certified under international standard ISO 9001, also the quality of product is to be guaranteed by certificate ? CBC.01.431.0057.04 of 16 September, 2004, issued by Central agency of system «Voenelectronsept » 22 of Defence Ministry of Russia.
Number of shows: 4448
Modify date: 12/24/2007 21:19:34
Field: Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear / Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
Email: marketing@zavod-elecon.ru
Fax: +7 (843) 519-57-34
Form of ownership: public corporation
IMDS-07 participant: yes
Phone: +7 (843) 519-58-01
Physical address: 58, Korolenko, Kazan, 420094, Russia
Website: www.zavod-elecon.ru