Text: Eastern Military District Press Service
Photo: Eastern Military District Press Service
On Oct 26, Pacific Fleet (PF) anti-piracy task unit started final preparations for deployment. The unit headed by Rear Admiral Vladimir Vdovenko will leave Vladivostok early in Nov 2012 and set a course for the Arabian Sea.

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Eighth PF Anti-Piracy Task Unit Gears Up for Deployment

The eighth PF anti-piracy task unit consists of destroyer Marshall Shaposhnikov, mid-size seagoing replenishment oiler Irkut, and rescue tug Alatau.
"The destroyer's crew has carried out dozens of onboard drills imitating various contingencies. The personnel are ready to accomplish assigned tasks. The ship's onboard systems and arms operate normally", reports Capt 1 Rank Andrei Kuznetsov, commanding officer of Marshall Shaposhnikov.
Recall that in May 2010 PF destroyer Marshall Shaposhnikov carried out an unprecedented counter-piracy operation and released the crew of Russian tanker Moscow University from pirate captivity. That complex operation was directed by Capt 1 Rank Ildar Akhmerov.
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