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Russian Navy Deploys Two Antipiracy Task Units

PF task unit comprising destroyer Marshall Shaposhnikov, seagoing replenishment oiler Irkut, and rescue tug Alatau left the fleet's main naval base Vladivostok on Nov 2 and is heading for the Arabian Sea.
The task unit is supposed to hold joint exercise with Indian Navy and call at Mumbai port. Under way to the Gulf of Aden, the ships will visit ports of Thailand, South Korea, Djibouti, and Seychelles.
Alongside with that, BSF task unit consisting of Guards missile cruiser Moskva, destroyer Smetlivy, landing ships Saratov and Novocherkassk, and auxiliary vessels is finishing pre-deployment preparations.
Leaving of the BSF main base Sevastopol will be held in two phases; the task unit will be finally shaped at assigned rendezvous point in the Mediterranean Sea. Under way to the Suez Canal, the warships will perform a number of combat training activities in the Mediterranean Sea.
The BSF task unit will pass the Suez Canal late in Nov, and enter upon anti-piracy mission off Somalia early in Dec. Also, the ships will call at several foreign ports to replenish supplies and let crews take rest.
According to deployment plan of PF and BSF task units, Russian naval mariners will counter sea piracy and maintain security of civil shipping in the Gulf of Aden and near the Horn of Africa.
Anti-piracy activities of the Russian Navy's task units will be arranged in close interaction with NATO naval command directing international counter-piracy operation in the Gulf of Aden.
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