Photo: Submarine Zaporizhzhia.

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Ukrainian Sub Zaporizhzhia Took Sea

During the one-day trials, the sub's diesels were tested at full and flank speeds. Besides, operation of electric motors and battery at full speed were checked as well as functioning of sonar system.
Soon the submarine will take the sea again to dive at periscope depth, reports New Sevastopol.
Ukrainian Navy Press Center confirmed that Zaporizhzhia is currently at sea "passing trials in order to check how well the defects revealed were eliminated".
The submarine sailed the Black Sea on Apr 25 for the first time since 1993. First phase of sea trials was carried out on surface with the sub's own propulsion plant.
Diesel electric submarine Zaporizhzhia was commissioned into Ukrainian Navy in 1997 as a result of parceling of Soviet Black Sea Fleet. Through 2001-2011, the submarine has been thoroughly repaired.
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