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Reforms in Navy
Russia and Ukraine have measured swords with one another twiceDisplay of Naval Feebleness
Aircraft Carrying Burden
Aviation - Navy’s Stepdaughter
"We don’t join the Navy in search of an easy life…"
Iron Muscles Mean Successful Service
Elephant and whale
And the whole fleet is not enough
The golden mile
Living among dead submarines
Why Russia lacks aircraft carriers
The future of the Russian submarine force
What will future aircraft carrier look like?
Why Russia has no aircraft carriers?
The Admiral Gorshkov returns?
Shipyards at the crossroads
The Russian Navy's main HQ 'sets sail' for St. Petersburg
Russia's Navy commander Vladimir Visotskiy: "Navy reforms are overdue"
Century-old traditions: Patronage for Russian Navy
Big ship, big problems
Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is for army and not the reverse
Mistral: challenge for Navy and the country
Viva nuclear-powered cruisers!
Mistral sails into the Sea of Policy
"Don't know why Russia needs Mistral" – Viktor Litovkin
Star of Hope
Rebuilding the carrier: new look of Admiral Kuznetsov
Navy Loses Medicine
Russian Navy's major modernization programs of surface warships in 2010
Guest from Toulon. Five "arguments" in favour of Mistral
Russian mariners feel cold in new uniform. Guess why?
Irresistible attraction of Russian armed forces
The Mistral Contract: Headache To Boot
Pre-election Tsushima
English Latrines for Russian Navy
Obsessed by Navy Revival Idea
Russian Billions Go to British 'Phoenix'